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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits

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Meter_Electronic_Test=0322.jpg Meter_Field_Strength_I-95_BM=0365.jpg

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Electronic Test
Field Strength I-95 BM
Type BC-221-N
Type BC-221M
Frequency Type BC-221-T

Meter Frequency Type BC-221-N

This ubiquitous American item was used for calibrating wireless equipments. It is a 125kc/s to 20Mc/s heterodyne frequency meter, with an internal crystal calibrator, and individual calibration book for each unit. Basic accuracy is better than 0.034% over its operating temperature range. An HS-30 type headset, or similar, is required for operation. The units were supplied with one spare set of vacuum tubes inside.
The suffix N refers to manufacture by the Philco Corporation. The BC221 was far superior to the British Type W1191 wavemeter.
Meter<br>Frequency<br>Type BC-221-N

Meter Frequency Type BC-221-N (Photograph Number 0313)

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